A Normal Four Year Old? Or an ADHD Kid?


A Normal Four Year Old? Or an ADHD Kid?

When I was child in the early 1970’s, the scientific community was just beginning its continuing epic love affair with prescribing stimulants for children who were supposedly afflicted with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). There were no special schools at that time for these particularly energetic children, and pretty much every child who was above the “norm” on the acceptable energy scale was diagnosed ADHD and prescribed Ritalin; the then new wonder drug which made your child calm, compliant, and well pretty much as “normal” and boring as every other kid.

In recent decades through today, a heated debate has raged as to whether these kids; a. really need to be medicated, and b. should simply to taught to channel their energy in healthy and productive ways, much like the wind is harnessed by windmills and converted into useful, clean, and limitless energy. Are their some children who have a disorder that affects their ability to concentrate properly and to remain acceptably calm? Yes. But there are so many shared traits between these children, and so called “normal” children of corresponding age, that the lines have become more and more blurred, lending even more steam to the debate. So, is your child an “ADHD” kid, or simply a normal, healthy and energetic four year old?

Today, thank goodness, there are schools that are geared towards children who are extremely bright, but have difficulty directing their own energy levels into productive activities. These schools truly are a G-d send, as they have made it possible for these kids to no longer get lost in the “regular” school system, winding up with poor grades, not getting the attention that they require in large classes, and being educated by teachers who simply do not understand their unique needs. Small classes, specialized educators, and curricula that are geared specifically towards their needs, have made all the difference in the world where it comes to giving these children the proper and necessary foundations they need on which to build bright, happy, and healthy futures.

There are many problems with Ritalin, Concerta, Ativan, or any of the family of medications designed to calm down the hyperactive child. And certainly, after 40 some odd years of trial and research, the data (at this point) is irrefutable. When I was in the 6th grade, I was officially diagnosed with having ADHD, and immediately put on to Ritalin. I remained on the medication until I was 16 years old. Did the medication help me to remain much calmer, finish school, and achieve far more than I would have had I not taken it? Certainly, but it did not come without it’s consequences later on, not necessarily for me, but for many other children I knew who were also on it for an extended period of time.

You see, Ritalin teaches, or rather conditions the child to believe that whatever issue they are dealing with can be cured simply by taking a pill. I am fairly certain why it is clear that this would become an issue later on in life.

“Ritalin itself does not lead the person to other drugs: people take drugs to get rid of unwanted situations or feelings. The drug masks the problem for a time (while the user is high). When the “high” fades, the problem, unwanted condition or situation returns more intensely than before. The user may then turn to stronger drugs since Ritalin no longer ‘works.'”


Even in today’s day and age. or perhaps especially in this day and age, more parents than ever before are just sticking their kids on Ritalin (because the hyperactivity inconveniences them), and move on with their lives. A huge part of the reason behind this is the advent of the Internet, and so much easy access to information. The problem with the information on the Internet, is that unless we choose highly respected and thoroughly accurate sites from which to get our information, we never know whether the information is true or false,and, as most people tend for whatever reason to believe nearly everything they read, they click on the first couple of Google results, and take as gospel whatever info they find there.

Children have energy, they are inquisitive, they are tiny little scientists wanting to experience everything all at once, with no limitations. This, ladies and gentlemen is perfectly NORMAL! If your child did not exhibit these traits, then there would most likely be something(s) very wrong with them. And yes, again, while it is true that there are some children who are actually afflicted with ADHD or ADD, the vast majority are just kids being kids, and perhaps it is we who need the medication to help us have more patience with them, and not the other way around! Sometimes, it’s true, a four year old really is just a normal little four year old. 🙂

Photo: janethull.com